What a wonderful week! My husband arrived home on Friday night finally. He'd been gone for over a month with training and then Jump School back to back. He'll be home only a week before he leaves us again for more training...but hey, I really shouldn't complain, it's not a deployment.
I have so many wonderful friends having babies right now. It seems like there's a new little bundle due to arrive each month! The next to arrive will be our dear friends Dave & A
ndrea's little boy in August. I am working on a new blanket design for their soon-to-be son and am making it out of Dave's FROG suit! I can't wait to see how this turns out, it's been challenging to say the least.
I am still waiting on the latest shipment of Desert MARPAT from our new supplier. I can't wait to get it and start getting orders our to everyone! I'm so excited about the new things to come out and am really looking forward to sharing them with you all.
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